Potato blight
Potato blight

This explains why the disease spreads more rapidly when the water content of the soil or substrate is higher than normal or optimal for crop growth. Dispersal in the soil happens via water, since the zoospores can readily move through water. For germination on above-ground plant parts, leaf wetness is required.ĭispersal is by wind and rain causes the pathogen to be returned to the soil from infected plants.

potato blight

Secondary infection is either by germinating sporangia or by zoospores produced in the sporangia.

potato blight

The pathogen grows into the stem and on the plant surface and new sporangiophores (structures containing sporangia, a type of spores) with sporangia are formed that protrude through the stomata. Potato blight only spreads from one plant to another in great humidity, and the plants. Exudates leaking from growing root tips promote germination and attract the zoospores. A wet autumn or the old scourge of potato blight can wipe out the lot. It spreads via airborne spores on the wind until it lands on a susceptible plant and the weather conditions are right for it to develop, warm and humid. Infection is usually from the root to the foot, but direct infection of the foot also occurs. Potato Blight is caused by the Phytophthora infestans fungus This fungus can also infect other members of the potato family, Solanaceae such as tomatoes. Zoospores are spores with flagellae which enable them to move through water. Stephen Kildea during a recent podcast discussion on how best to prevent the disease from impacting crops. This was the introduction provided by Teagasc potato specialist Dr. Zoospores are formed from the overwintering structures which infect the host. Potato Blight is caused by the Phytophthora infestans fungus This fungus can also infect other members of the potato family, Solanaceae such as tomatoes. Humidity in the range 88-90, combined with the odd shower, constitute the perfect weather conditions for the spread of potato blight. In tomatoes, fruit can be damaged by sun.

potato blight

It affects leaves, fruits and stems and can be severely yield-limiting when susceptible tomato cultivars are used and weather is favorable. Phytophthora overwinters in roots, infected tubers and bulbs or in the soil in different stages: as oospores (sexual overwintering spores), sporangia (special structures which can either germinate directly or produce zoospores), chlamydospores (thick-walled mycelium cells which are resistant to desiccation) or mycelium. Early blight is one of the most common tomato and potato diseases, occurring nearly every season in Minnesota. They thrive at soil temperatures between 15 and 23 ☌ and higher water content than is optimal for crop growth. Phytophthora species are very destructive organisms belonging to the Oomycetes and are therefore strictly speaking not fungi. infestans) is also known as Phytophthora blight, tomato blight, early / late blight tomato, potato blight and late / early blight of potato.

Potato blight